Heavy, pulsing, interactive and aggressive-- the physical architecture of these concept proposals for the fashion company Diesel was a reinterpretation of the post-punk ironies that define the very genetics of Diesel's historic DNA. While aspects of the designs later appeared in Diesel stores, only the Diesel 101 store in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, was physically constructed. The mobile pop-up store line of the project was designed using a language that echoed that of industrial shipping containers-- yet introduced unexpected materials such as black chrome and metallic mirrors that shifted their readings from everyday found objects into precious and exotic spaces- reflecting the irony-tinged world of Diesel. Technologically unbound by the liberating interactive networks found within—these mobile stores themselves were inherently mobile, interconnected, cellular, battery run, and capable of being placed, literally, anywhere. The larger brick-and-mortar store proposals, from interior flagships in New York City and Shanghai, to freestanding buildings, proposed the combination of simultaneously rugged forms that enveloped sophisticated digital interiors that contained an explosive orchestra of digital content- through exposure to an array of interactive video walls that encrusted the vertical surfaces and sometimes ceilings and floors. Several of the proposals also included moving robotics, clusters of online shopping displays, and new, aggregated, ceramic exterior panel languages for each major city environment. These concepts for Diesel proposed a new family of stores that was no longer intended to be merely walked through and viewed, but petted, caressed, tapped, and squeezed to produce a vast array of architectural and content-driven responses centered on the Diesel brand.